Why Choosing the Right Toronto Truck School is Important

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If you’re living in the Toronto area and looking to start a career in trucking, it would seem to make sense – at first – to choose a local Toronto truck school. However, there are actually some significant downsides to this choice that many newcomers to trucking wouldn’t think of when making their decision.

Believe it or not, going outside the city really is the best option in most circumstances. A Toronto truck school may simply not be able to provide you with all the training and experience you need.

Three Things to Think About When Choosing a Toronto Truck  School

  1. Proximity isn’t everything

“Hey, I can take classes and still be home with my family every evening!” It’s a common enough thought among would-be truck drivers.  Unfortunately, the cold hard reality of trucking is this: Odds are you will not be going home to see your family every evening, during your first year of trucking. You’ll be on the road. So, it’s perhaps best to get yourself and your family used to this situation by going a bit further away for truck driving school.

In fact, the short-haul local trucking jobs tend to go to the most experienced truck drivers. Being able to go home to their families in the evening is basically a privilege of rank.  

  1. Where do you drive and practice?

Sure, there’s some classroom work to be done at a truck driving school… but you still must spend a lot of time behind the wheel, learning to operate your truck. How do you do this in a large, congested city? It’s difficult, to say the least.

However, a truck driving school that’s not in an urban center has room to operate full training courses. Away from other people, away from other traffic, you’ll have acres and acres of space to practice on with relatively little stress during those crucial first few days of training. Plus, there is room for full-scale simulation job sites, which you likely won’t see in a Toronto truck school parking lot!

  1. What sort of commute is involved?

If you’re lucky enough to be just down the street from a truck driving school, great. That makes the commute easy. But that’s not the case for most people. There aren’t that many Toronto truck schools, and you could easily be in for extended commutes that can become quite costly. 

On the other hand, a large training facility with a dedicated campus also has room for on-campus housing – usually provided for free with the cost of tuition!  Not only does this eliminate the stress and costs of commutes, but it also makes it far easier for you to focus on your studies. That time you would spend commuting is time you can dedicate to learning the trade, instead.

Toronto truck driving school

5th Wheel Training Institute Is Your Choice for a Top Truck Driving School

With our two huge dedicated campuses, 5th Wheel Training Institute can provide real-life training scenarios that you simply cannot find in Toronto Truck Schools. It also puts you in the best environment to build your confidence and skills to attain your AZ or DZ licence. Contact us today to learn more!



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