Ontario Career College Training – Finding that First Job After

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427 281 fifthdev

Congratulations you have completed your Ontario Career College Training course!

Now, what to do you ask yourself?

Here are some helpful tips to help you find that first job:

1.     Take Advantage of Campus Career Resources

Just like Naomi Rockler-Gladen stated in her blog at Suite101.com “Students don’t always utilize the career resources at their colleges and universities”.

Ask the college that you graduated from if they have any job assistance programs.  Are they associated with any company or agencies in the field you just graduated from.

To help you start your career searching, some colleges offer supports such as:

Jim Heavy Equipment Show

        • Information about hiring companies
        • Information on upcoming campus or job fairs in the area
        • Resume workshops/assistance
        • Information on how to conduct yourself during an interview

Do not hesitate to ask your college if they provide these services. A good Ontario career college training will let you know before you start your course about these services.

2.     Be Open-minded and Realistic

Consider the possibilities when it comes to going out and finding a job.

I remember my professor telling us to make a list of what your own personal wants are and how they will work in the field you are graduating from, Which then helps you to identify your barriers.

If you have a family with children and you want to be able to be home every night. That is a want and you have to overcome the barrier of needing to find a job that meets that want.
Doing this will help you figure out and benefit you in the following ways:

  • Should you reconsider your location; will it fall into plan with your wants and eliminate your barrierswall of fame
  • Knowing what you want is a strength; you will want to point that out during an interview because it looks good to know what you want.
  • Go to any job fair that is available. It will show companies you have incentive to start your career.
  • When you find a company you like, research them, be prepared for a possible interview and do a mock interview with a friend or at your local employment resource centers  (if there is one available that offers that service)

3.     Work on broadening your skills even after graduation

What are some skills you should consider enhancing for yourself?

Public speaking would be my top choice because if you are comfortable with being able to do that, it means you are confident in yourself. Communication is a top aspect in any job, so with this skill you are able to show you can communicate easily with others.

Other skills I would have to suggest would be are strong work ethic, positive attitude, good communication, time management, problem solving, self confidence, ability to accept and learn from criticism, flexibility/adaptability, being a team player and being able to work under pressure. Think of times where you had to use all these skills in a positive manner and write them down to use them in an interview because they will be your strengths.

My favorite article that covers most of the skills suggested is from the AOL Jobs.com who have a article about the Top 10 Soft Skills for Job Hunters.

Most of all work on the skills you were already taught at your college.

So, when you go into the interview, you can honestly say you understand the procedures and if not do not be afraid to go learn more, take an extra driving class, review your text books, talk to others or friends who are in the same field and perhaps you can find a mentor to show you more knowledge and help your skills grow.

Good luck on finding your new job!

Keep your eyes open for my next blog post: How to prepare for an interview.



All stories by: fifthdev

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